Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chocolate Pear-zza~pg. 233

La Dolce Vegan Challenge:

Sorry for the state of the pizza pan, but it still works! I didn't think I would like the chocolate chips in this but it tasted pretty good. Even better the next day. It's been kind of hard getting the challenge done this week. My niece passed on Saturday after putting in a long, hard fight with leukemia. I'll miss her but I know she's at peace and free from pain now. It helps to keep doing the every day things.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your niece's passing, I hope that you and your family are doing well.

  2. ratherbevegan: Our family is very close so that helps. She would have been 30 years old on Jan. 23rd. We are having a 'celebration of life' on the 21st for her.
