Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Favorite Lunch

I love this recipe from La Dolce Vegan for Seaweed Soup. I never would have tried it but I was doing a year-long challenge to cook through the cookbook. This is one of those that I have to eat on my own; my hubby would never eat seaweed AND tofu! The package of roasted seaweed has about ten sheets in it and the recipe only uses one so it was time to make this soup again as the package has been in my pantry awhile. (Still working on clearing it out.)

Ingredients for Seaweed Gomasio from La Dolce Vegan. 
I buy roasted sesame seeds so I can skip the step of browning the seeds. This is a great garnish for the Seaweed Soup.

I use an old sesame seed jar to hold my Seaweed Gomasio.

One of my favorite noodles. I really like buckwheat soba noodles but I was out of them. I order them from Eden Organic. The only soba noodles I can find in the stores have eggs in them.

Seaweed Soup 
I add cubed tofu to mine. It is garnished with a splash of lime juice, green onions and gomasio. This recipe makes 2 servings but I seem to eat it all!


  1. I don't think I've made this recipe before. It looks fantastic. I love seaweed. My cat too!
